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Rice wine, this creates - Longevity saengmakgeolri

Home > Product > Production Process

Manufacturing Process

  • ①Raw Materials

    Koji-Improved nuruk – steamed rice fermented with fungi.. Nuruk (yeast cake)-Contains enzymes which convert starch into sugar.. Yeast-Yeast converts sugar produced by nuruk and the enzymes in koji into alcohol.. Hard-steamed Rice-Main material of makkoli. Since 1992 rice has replaced flour. Popped Rice-Popped rice powder. Added to hard-steamed rice to promote fermentation. Water-Clean underground water filtered with osmotic pressure water purifier. Oligo-saccharides-Added to soften the flavor and helps strengthen intestines.

  • ② Producing raw spirits

    Koji+Yeast+Water=Raw Spirits - *Put in the koji, yeast and water, and ferment for a long time at a low temperature

  • ③ Cultivation in brewing tank

    *Optimal temperature of the brewing tank is of the most importance
*Agitate 3 times per day to supply oxygen and loosen lumps

    1st Brewing Raw spirits +koji +water, Brewing tank , 2nd Brewing
Hard-steamed rice +nuruk +popped rice +water,3rd Brewing Popped rice +water,Cooling water,Supply cooling water into the pipe to cool down the temperature of the makkoli to prevent it being heated up by the fermentation (reaction) heat,4th Brewing Popped rice +oligo-saccharides +water

  • ④ Filtration

    Appropriate temperature +Water +Optimal temperature  - After ripening in the brewing tank, filter the deposit and pour the crude liquor in a filtration barrel.,Dilute with water to adjust alcohol concentration.

  • ⑤ Packing and shipping

    *Automatic filling in clean bottles..

  • ⑥ Production processes

    Draft Makkoli (Jangsoo Makkoli) - Ripened mash ->treatment->fill-in & packing->shipping Pasteurized Makkoli (Wollmae Rice Makkoli) - Ripened mash treatmentpre-sterilizationfill-in & packingpost sterilizationshipping

    Overview of Makkoli Production Process -Water Tank>Osmotic Pressure Water Purifier>Steamer>Rice Polisher. Milled and cleaned rice is automatically put into a steamer.The hard-steamed rice from the steamer is transported to the 2nd floor by an elevator>Rice bags>Brewing tan,Maintain the optimal temperature of 23C throughout the year (long-term low-temperature fermentation). Ripened wine is transferred to the 1st floor through pipeline>Crude Liquor Barrel>Full automatic packing system>Shipping출고