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Next-generation rice wine to enjoy anytime, anywhere - wolmae kaenmakgeolri

Home > Information > Wolmae Canned Makkoli

Wolmae Canned Makkoli

TheWolmae Canned Makkoliis specially brewed and processed for a new generation of younger people and foreigners. It has a superb combination of carbonic acid and rice wine and is entirely fermented at a low temperature, pasteurized using the latest facilities and imbued with natural carbonic acid. It has excellent freshness, a smooth favor, a clean after-taste, and provokes no belching or other unpleasant after effects. Canned for portability and long-term storage,is a new, urban type brand of makkoli.

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    • Type of liquor: pasteurized Takju (Korean rice wine)
    • Alcohol content: 6%
    • Raw material: polished rice 90%, malto-oligosaccharide 10%
    • Bottle Size, package: 350㎖, aluminum can
    • Shelf Life: 12 months from the date of manufacture
  • Wolmae Canned Makkoli