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The birthplace of rice wine fermentation science, Seoul takju rice wine Labs - Longevity saengmakgeolri

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As the research hub for the fermentation science of takju and makkoli, Seoul Takju and Makkoli R&D Center specializes in quality improvement, process control and the development of new products of Korean rice wines. Many researchers from the scientific areas of microbiology, fermentology and zymology are working with us. Makkoli is no longer just for Koreans, we are globalizing it!

Photo rice wine institute

  • Quality Improvement and Quality Control

    1)Process improvement to enhance wine quality
    -Optimization of fermentation conditions: fermentation temperature and period, koji use, raw material input time and method, etc.
    - Selection of microorganism for fermentation: collect, evaluate and select the yeasts for richer flavor.

    2) Process and product control
    - Brewing process control: composition change analysis and temperature control
    - Fermentation broth: filtered broth analysis, alcohol and additives concentration control
    - Product analysis and organoleptic inspection: ingredients and microorganism analysis of the final product ⇒ decision for shipping

    3)Raw/sub-materials specification control
    - Inspection of the microorganisms including yeast and those in the koji
    - Raw/sub-materials and additives warehousing control

  • Process Control

    - Fermentation broth temperature control
    - Water control
    - Observation of Operation Manual
    - Improve working environment: preparing to introduce HACCP

  • Quality Improvement and Quality Control

    - Develop new products to satisfy diversifying consumers’ taste and suit luxury brands.
    (Functional makkoli, makkoli for young people and ladies, etc.)